Casa facile felice



Soya, something more about it.

Antonietta 23/10/2013

Vegetarian people consider soybean a complete food for its high proteins content, it’s an excellente substitute of meat, also called synthetic meat. We used seeds, sprouts and flour, soy oil widely used in Asiatic cuisine for vegetarian dishes and sauces, also used to flavor salads, rice, vegetables, meat and fish. The products derived from the… Continue Reading »


Methods of preparation and use of herbs.

Antonietta 14/06/2013

Here are some natural and  easy homemade ways to take the healing properties of herbs. Remember: 100 gr (3,½ oz) dried herbs is the same as 200 gr (7 oz) fresh herbs. The best water called for recipe is distilled water (fresh rain-water is preferable, if it’s possible). Add always the date and the label… Continue Reading »


Be healthy with onions (Allium Cepa).

Antonietta 14/06/2013

Here are some diseases that can be healed by the onion (Allium Cepa), very simple recipes that we all can prepare at home. We must not fear its pungent smell, the onion can help us to solve many health problems. We all can benefit from this concentration of therapeutic virtue, exception for pregnant women and… Continue Reading »

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