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Category Archives: English


Courgettes “Scapece”

Antonietta 21/11/2013

Courgettes can be cooked in lot of different ways, and while they’re still small, they can be used raw in salad; one of the best courgettes classic neapolitan recipe is scapece that go well abaut anything. Small fruit of Green bush variety of marrow, is good to prepare this classic neapolitan recipe, but the most… Continue Reading »


Soya, something more about it.

Antonietta 23/10/2013

Vegetarian people consider soybean a complete food for its high proteins content, it’s an excellente substitute of meat, also called synthetic meat. We used seeds, sprouts and flour, soy oil widely used in Asiatic cuisine for vegetarian dishes and sauces, also used to flavor salads, rice, vegetables, meat and fish. The products derived from the… Continue Reading »


Apricots in syrup

Antonietta 16/10/2013

For this preparation you need unripe, fragrant and undamaged fruits. Biologic fruits or nearly productions are the best, for recipes like this one.  You can use whole fruit  if small, otherwise fruit divided in two parts. Ingredients: 500 grams apricots. 300 grams sugar, 200 grams water, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 sterilized jar and lid… Continue Reading »


Infusion: all abaut it.

Antonietta 17/09/2013

It’s obtained by liquid pours over leaves, buds, flowers, fruits, drugs (fresh or dried), rich in flavors and fragrances, to extract the active principles you need; leave it to stand a ranging time from 3 minutes to 8 hours, then use the liquid after filtered, the ingredients are discarded . The infusion is the easiest… Continue Reading »


Yellow peach jam plus peels jelly

Antonietta 06/09/2013

In this time, a large amount of fruits  has already been brought in the refrigerator, where they will be stored to be distributed in the next months. For  lucky owners,  harvested or organic fruits  must be needed for this easy recipe to get two products instead of one: peach jam and delicious jelly,  made with… Continue Reading »


Courgettes with cheese and pepper

Antonietta 03/09/2013

This is a simple and ancient recipe, nevertheless imaginative and very economical. All variety of courgettes are suitable for this preparation, but for some giant marrows, must need to take off the seeds, before cooking. Courgettes aren’t as full to bursting with vitamins as some other vegetables, but they contains vitamin C and fibre, which… Continue Reading »

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