Courgettes “Scapece”
Antonietta 21/11/2013Courgettes can be cooked in lot of different ways, and while they’re still small, they can be used raw in salad; one of the best courgettes classic neapolitan recipe is scapece that go well abaut anything. Small fruit of Green bush variety of marrow, is good to prepare this classic neapolitan recipe, but the most popular Zucchina courgette variety is usually used to make delicious scapece.
Ingredients needed:
- 400 gr courgette, sliced with mandolin slicer or sharp knife,
- extra virgin olive oil,
- 10 mint leaves and flowers ( were it’s possible),
- 1 clove of garlic, peeled and sliced,
- sea salt,
- white or black wine vinegar ( at your pleasure).
Wash and dry the courgettes and slice them so they’re under 0,3 cm thick ( it’s best to keep them in the refrigerator for 24 hours, for dring well).
Heat a large frying pan over a high heat and grease it with olive oil; cook both side of zucchina slices until they begin to brown. Always keep the pan greased with oil. Then put cooked slices on the serving plate, sprinkled with chopped leaves and flowers of mint.
When all the slices are cooked, season with plenty of vinegar, oil, garlic slices and mint.. Add a pinch of salt if needed. Let to marinate for a few hours before serving.
Other recipe are available here.