Be healthy with onions (Allium Cepa).
Antonietta 14/06/2013Here are some diseases that can be healed by the onion (Allium Cepa), very simple recipes that we all can prepare at home. We must not fear its pungent smell, the onion can help us to solve many health problems. We all can benefit from this concentration of therapeutic virtue, exception for pregnant women and children! Here you will find the instructions to be read before use the preparations wisely.
- 1 teaspoon = 5ml; 1 tablespoon = 12,5 ml; 1 cup = 250 ml;
- the discarded herbs can be using as compost from the vegetable garden soil;
- 100 gr (3,½ oz) dried herbs are the same as 200 gr (7 oz) fresh herbs.
- 25 gr (0,9 oz) of onion,
- 100 ml water (or milk).
Boil the onions in the chosen liquid, for 5 minutes. Let cool, filter and drink 50 ml (4 tbsp) 2 times per day (in the morning and evening).
- 50 gr (1,8 oz) of onions,
- 100 ml water,
- 2 tbsp honey.
Boil the onions about 10 minutes, filter the decoction and sweetened with honey. Put on the heat and let thicken to syrup. Take 4 tbsp of syrup per day.
Intestinal worms:
- 500 ml of white wine,
- 2 medium-sized onions,
- 50 ml (4 tbsp) honey .
Mix white wine, blend onions and honey together well, let soak for 1 week and shaking occasionally. After this time, filter and keep in a dark bottle. Drink 50 ml (4 tbsp) in the morning on empty stomach.
- 20 gr (0,7 oz) onion,
- 100 ml alcohol at 75 °.
Browse the onion and let it macerate in alcohol for 10 days. After this time, filter and store the tincture in glass bottle with dropper. Take 15 drops, diluted in water, in the morning, on an empty stomach.
- 25 gr (0,9 oz) onion,
- 100 ml of alcohol at 75 °.
Browse the onion and let it macerate in alcohol for 10 days. After this time, filter and store the tincture in glass bottle with dropper. Take 10 drops, diluted in water, in the morning, on empty stomach.
- 10 ml onion juice,
- 10 ml juice of vinegar.
Mix the juices and apply a slight friction on the face for a few minutes. Wash off with tepid water.
Joint pain:
- 2 medium-sized onions,
- 500 ml of water.
Wash the onions without peeling them altogether, boil in water for 15 minutes, filter and drink 50 ml (4 tbsp) 3 times per day.
- 1 onion,
- sterile gauze.
Pounded the onion with pestle and mortar or a liquidiser; pour the poultice on the gauze and put it on the affected part for 5 minutes then wash off with could water.
Insect bites:
- 1 onion (bulb or leaves).
Rub the affected area with the onion, then wash.
Urinary Tract Disease:
- 1 liter wine (both red and white wine can be used)
- 100 gr (3,5 oz) onion,
- 50 gr (1,75 oz) couch grass (Agropyrum Repens),
- 50 ml of alcohol at 95 °,
- 50 gr (1,75 oz) artichoke (Cynara scolymus),
- 20 gr (0,7 oz) of lemon peel (Citrus Limonum).
Put all the ingredients in a glass jar, close it with srew-top and let macerate for 10 days.
Than filter and drink 3,½ tbsp (30 ml) 3 times per day, between meals.